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    Articles, Tips, & How-Tos

    K-Var Information Center

    Articles, tips, how-tos, and more! A wealth of information about buying, using, and maintaining guns.

    Texas Church Shooting — What Is Safe?
    The statistics say it all… It does not matter where you are at, your safety is at risk. Walmart is not safe. Elementary schools are not safe. Government buildings are not safe. Your home is not safe. And over the weekend, we watched in horror... read more...
    Heroic Consequences: In Defense of Others
    When we holster up, an astounding emotional transformation often occurs—we become empowered. We feel defended, secure, and we almost feel immortal. It’s as if the firearm we carry imparts strength and shielding approaching superhero proportions.... read more...
    Tactics: Holsterless Handgun Carry
    For years, most of us have counseled concealed carry handgun carriers to choose a proper holster. A holster keeps the handgun stable and angled for the proper draw. Just the same, who am I to go against 200 years or more of holsterless tradition?... read more...