Take advantage of this opportunity to get original Molot Russian made parts for your favorite firearm. Since the sanctions implemented last year, these original factory parts are no longer available for import into the US. Consequently, the best advice we can give you is to get one or more before they are gone.
These original Russian Molot fire control parts are no longer available for import. These factory fire control parts were designed for your AK/RPK chambered in .308,7.62x54r,243 Win or .30-06 and include the trigger, hammer and disconnector.
Fire control group, for Vepr rifles in .308 Win, 7.62x54r, .243 Win, and .30-06 Sprg calibers, includes trigger, hammer, and disconnector, semi-auto, double stage, Molot Russia
RPK-926R-A includes RPK-132R, RPK-122R, RPK111R