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    | 10/23/2017 4:31 AM
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (3/4)
    Rear sight base fit
    The recommended rear sight base has a journal of 17.5 , but the barrel journal size on this barrel is 18.5, so you will need to turn down this portion of the barrel or find a rear sight base thats made for Milled AK's.
    AK-74 and AKM RSB are 17.5 where they mount on the barrel.
    Guest | 10/19/2018 2:34 PM
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (23/1)
    great for the wbp 556 kit
    the wbp kit uses a 556 barrel but is all akm dimensions. the kvar 23mm 556 barrel i got was .9069 on the breech journal. there is also a little awesome feed ramp on the bottom of the chamber.

    the gas port is predrilled in the ak74 location, so you will need an ak74 90 degree gas block for it to work with the wbp 556 kit, or trim your gas tube down a little.

    the area from behind the hand guard retainer to the rear sight base journal will need to be turned down on a lathe to use the wbp parts.there is a workaround for this, use a bulgarian,polish,russian,hungarian 762 MILLED rear sight base.
    Guest | 5/9/2020 3:59 AM
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (15/0)
    Milled RSB
    Just buy a Bulgarian Rear Sight Base that was made for a milled AK-47,  and NOT the recommended AK=74 RSB, because its barrel journal is too narrow.
    The '23mm' 5.56 barrels RSB is 18.5mm
    Guest | 10/27/2020 11:03 PM
    Was this review helpful? Yes No (2/0)